FIRM Endorses 2015 Flood Insurance Acts


The Fair Insurance Rates in Monroe (FIRM) Board of Directors supports and urges all FIRM members and the general public to support H.R. 141 Flood Insurance Premium Parity Act 2015 and the recently submitted H.R. 2918 Flood Insurance Fairness Act of 2015, introduced by Florida U.S. Congressmen Curbelo and Murphy, on June 25th, 2015 – bills that expand upon last year’s Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act (HFIAA), and would provide rate relief to Americans paying flood insurance for non-primary residences and rental properties.

According to Congressman Curbelo, H.R. 2918 will “ensure that all Americans have access to affordable flood insurance, by guaranteeing that all non-primary residences and business properties receive the same rates provided to primary homes under HFIAA.”

Fair Insurance Rates in Monroe is proud to call Congressmen Curbelo and Murphy friends and supporters of the long standing FIRM mission “to achieve residential, condominium, and commercial property insurance rates in Monroe County that are neither excessive, discriminatory, nor unaffordable and ensure appropriate physical and financial protection for property in the Keys to sustain and support our communities.”

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