FAVORite People of the Florida Keys National Wildlife Refuges: Ranger Kristie Killam

Florida Keys National Wildlife Refuge Ranger Kristie Killam
Florida Keys National Wildlife Refuge Ranger Kristie Killam

In her position as refuge ranger, Kristie Killam has a strong focus on education and outreach, working with schools and camp programs, leading guided tours, and assisting with biological research. Killam moved to No Name Key in 2008 after visiting the Keys for more than 25 years, drawn by its mix of outdoor opportunities, especially in and among the refuges. “It’s so relaxing to go for a walk in the evening on the refuges after work, and it’s nice to head out to the No Name Bridge over Bogie Channel to watch sunrises and sunsets,” she says. “And being on the water, well that is just the icing on the cake.” She is part of the driving force behind the upcoming Outdoor Fest— US Fish and Wildlife Service’s Florida Keys National Wildlife Refuges Complex and their Friends group FAVOR’s event featuring four action-packed days in all four refuges, filled with family-friendly, mostly free outdoor adventures and hands-on activities—set for Thursday, March 17th through Sunday, March 20th. “The refuges are a great place to get some fresh air and “recharge your batteries,”” she says.

Check out the Fest or get out there now to experience it for yourself. Visit www.favorfloridakeys.org/outdoor-fest for more information. Brought to you in part by the Monroe County Tourist Development Council.

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