Eugene Robinson Benefits Take Stock in Children Mar 5

On March 5, The Studios is proud to serve as the venue for a pair of fundraising events for Take Stock in Children featuring Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist Eugene Robinson. All funds raised will be used for scholarships for Monroe County students and matched by the State of Florida.

Robinson is a regular political commentator on MSNBC and writes a twice-weekly column in the Washington Post that is syndicated nationally. Robinson will host a VIP reception on the first floor of Studios at 3:30 with an opportunity for photos and book signing. Tickets for the reception are $250 per person. At 4:30 on the 2nd floor of Studios, Robinson will talk about “The First Amendment in the Age of Trump”. There will be a question & answer session following the talk. Tickets for the event are $40 per person.

“We are thrilled to have Eugene and his wife Avis back with us in Key West again,” Bryan Green, President of the Take Stock program said. “We sincerely appreciate his willingness to help Take Stock raise funds to purchase at least two more college scholarships for local students”.

Tickets can be purchased at Space is limited so early ticket purchase is encouraged. Please call (305) 619-0383 with any questions.

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