Et tu, Brute..?

war typography

by John Donnelly…….

If Obama, Clinton and the Bushes (28 years worth of American presidents) had put forth the effort to become illumined leaders, and worked together with the world’s heads of state, they could have within a few years banished war and poverty from the earth.

What an abject waste these presidents have been, when compared to the power they wield and the unlimited possibilities they squandered.

Weakened by the chronic exposure we’ve undergone via the propaganda and prescribed indoctrinations rendered to us by dysfunctional adults, a flawed educational system and technological distortions; we’ve accepted, rewarded and praised the bumbling buffoons who have gotten rich and made careers out of perpetuating wars; while stoking the flames of racial and economic disharmony. They’ve resided over and established policies, which have fostered a ‘dumb downed’ society that’s created a sense of dependency, desperation and confusion.

In addition, we’ve been, and are bombarded with a steady stream of prevarications, misinformation, distorted narratives, alibis and excuses by the media, partisan ideologues, scientists and teachers; who will by whatever means necessary promote their agendas, while attacking any idea or belief that may be contrary to the ones they hold.

Any data challenging the merit, veracity and credibility of their point of view, often triggers an attack upon the purveyor of said information. They appear never willing to examine their own consciences and adapt or abandon an inaccurate premise or idea, which may have been formulated via junk science or tainted evidence. It seems that these zealots worship at the altar of their political gods, ascribing to them commanding powers of obedience.

If I’m locked into a particular perspective, with a bullheaded tenacity not open to reason, I know I’m in danger of extinguishing the ‘internal light’ that keeps everything fluid and alive. I’m not comfortable residing in the darkness anymore. When I’m not spiritual fit, an honest appraisal of my condition provides me with a choice to think and process whatever is before me differently. I’ve learned and grown during these lessons; often as a result of my stumbling and falling.

During these periods of discontent I try not to glorify my restlessness, attempting not to make my discomfort into something more than it really is. I am a human being, with human characteristics. Having been taught and experienced the admonition that: “This too shall pass” has allowed me to move on, as I involve myself with other tasks at hand.

Back to “misspend potential”; our ‘civil war’ is alive and well, ready to develop into something more promising for the angry and frustrated masses. Redemption, reconciliation and forgiveness are rarely thought of, let alone practiced.

“Only spiritual consciousness–realization of God’s presence in oneself and in every other living being–can save the world” (Paramahansa Yogananda). The notion that we can legislate morality, ethics or friendship; is a senseless and speculative conjecture, lacking the gravitas necessary to alleviate our suffering or positively impact the world.

The pages of history are filled with accounts of desperation and despair documenting the lives of people seeking happiness via alcohol, drugs, sex and money. Developing instructional programs for our children that would provide understanding and a knowledge base, which would build for them a bridge towards enlightenment and wisdom, are antidotes to the diseased mindsets plaguing the planet.

All students want to venture out and build their lives, as they realize their dreams and learn how to authentically enjoy themselves. Unfortunately, we continue to feed our children the same old baloney and politically correct rhetoric; then scratch our heads in disillusionment when these young adults exhibit symptoms replicating the suffering of their predecessors. Ignorance has not been bliss for Americans bearing the weight of our government’s ill-advised and feckless misadventures in our classrooms and on the world’s stage.

History continues to repeat itself; as the cycles of misfortune, smashed dreams and broken lives continue to run their unalterable course.

Born on the wrong side of the tracks in the South Bronx, I lacked the sophisticated acculturation afforded to the ‘blue bloods’ and ‘ivy leaguers’. Along with my many flaws, shortcomings, defects of character and in comparison to the presidents previously mentioned, inferior education, it’s difficult to understand how my underdeveloped mind is capable of formulating solutions that just might relieve tensions in the world, when 28 years worth of American presidents have been crippled and incapacitated by said challenges.

I’ve had ample time to field test these ‘solutions’ in combat and during the battles of my life. They are known to anyone who’d care to know them. Borrowed from the ‘wisdom of the ages’, you’d think the ‘exclusive ones’; the ‘elite aristocrats’ who have occupied the white house, might at some time become acquainted with these ‘principles of the universe’.

Killing an estimated 282,000 innocent children and civilians in our blundering ‘wages of war’ in Afghanistan and Iraqi surmounts to ‘war crimes’ and ‘crimes against humanity’, which will maintain the recruitment levels of our enemies at an exceedingly high rate.

‘Kill Lists’, government spying on private citizens, blow jobs in the oval office and duplicitous relationships with tyrants can keep a president foggy, distracted and detached.

With all the power, might and resources of the United States government behind them, these men didn’t come anywhere close to delivering on the campaign promises they made to the American people. ‘Mother Earth’ is aflame and the virulent toxicity of their ineffectiveness ravages our cities, land and world.

No worries. The circus and its accompanying sideshows are coming back to town in 2016. Some clowns have recycled and retained their original name tags. If they made you laugh or frightened you first go around, you’re in for a real treat this time.

As the demagoguery amps up, ‘let the games begin’.

In conclusion and on a more serious note; the unnecessary sorrow and pain brought on by the malignant management of our ‘Constitutional Republic’ gives me pause; as I reflect upon the oaths taken by young men and women, who having affirmed allegiance to the United States of America were ordered by their presidents to invade and kill soldiers from distant lands; as they and their collateral damage died horrible and ugly deaths.

I understand the nature of violence and killing. They are the marks of failure. If necessary, this type of aggression must only be used as a ‘measure of last resort’; in accordance with the constitutional provisions authorizing it. Congress is the only instrument of government that can declare war.

The selective and meager interest directed towards the legitimate safety and well-being of all Americas, by successive administrations, brings to light just how unimportant we really are to them. Unless we effectively address this attitude of depraved indifference, our lives and the world in which we live will continue to deteriorate and languish.

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6 thoughts on “Et tu, Brute..?

  1. “With all the power, might and resources of the United States government behind them, these men didn’t come anywhere close to delivering on the campaign promises they made to the American people. ‘Mother Earth’ is aflame and the virulent toxicity of their ineffectiveness ravages our cities, land and world.”

    Great essay…Of all the current horrors being inflicted on the planet by the very Zombies and Vampires you describe the TPP, if allowed to become law, will be the final nail in the coffin of sovereign nation’s autonomy and self rule. Corporate profits will be the only rule of law and the well being of the people and the planet’s eco-systems be damned.

  2. John, Woo! As usual, you get off some of the finest riffs of musical prose I’ve had the pleasure in reading. One line in particular hits the bulls eye for me: “I understand the nature of violence and killing. THEY ARE MARKS OF FAILURE”. Thanks John.

  3. Alex,

    Always appreciate your taking the time to read and respond to my articles. I’ve learned a lot and improved my writing skills because of your comments. Thank you.

    Craig E. Speers writes the following: ” The Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement is an ill-conceived pact that will surely visit destructive forces on the American industrial heartland on a grander scale than we have ever witnessed. Tragically, this wrongheaded policy is consistent with past detrimental trade agreements lobbied for by Presidents George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama”.

    In the material world, ‘money is king’. I still find it difficult to understand, how an individual in the pursuit of the almighty dollar will destroy the earth that they and everyone they love is depended upon for life. Counterintuitive in the extreme, blinded by greed.

    Blessings & Respect

  4. Jerome,

    I always value our exchanges. Your insights and perspectives bring illumination on a plethora of issues. Thank you.

    Considering violence and killing as redeeming qualities having worth; to be viewed worthy of respect, admiration or esteem; is a severe form insanity manifested by many desperate and empty individuals.

    Violence breeds violence, spiraling towards deeper abuse and injury, never providing answers nor solutions.

    Blessings & Respect

  5. John, It’s something like when a parent hits a child … somehow you know that you have failed, that you have screwed up, that hitting the child means you have lost the game. Be well, Jerome

  6. Jerome,

    Excellent comparison. In my mind, it also resembles attempting to appropriately discipline a child in your class when they misbehave, after you’ve become angry with them.

    If a teacher acts on their angry impulse,s they’ve lost their legitimate authority and credibility before all present.

    Thanks for making the point.

    Blessings & Respect

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