Key West Art & Historical Society Honors Volunteer Dana Payne

This photograph of Navy Radio Men and dogs in the courtyard of Fort East Martell (where they were stationed in 1925), is just one of thousands of photographs Dana helped research and digitize for Key West Art & Historical Society’s online archives. Donated by William Whitlock, second from right, bottom row. KWAHS Collection, 0000.00.1111

Key West Art & Historical Society, steward to the Custom House, Fort East Martello, and Key West Lighthouse and the many archives and collections housed within, honors curatorial volunteer Dana Payne for her dedication and efforts to the organization as she moves from the community. Dana, who volunteered four days a week for nearly two years and researched images at home during her free time, was instrumental in selecting images for the museum’s exhibitions as well as digitizing the archive of photographs now available online.

“I don’t think either of us imagined how incredible the project would be,” says Society Curator Cori Convertito, Ph.D. “Not only have both of us learned so much about Florida Keys history, culture and architecture, but she alone has made over 6,000 images accessible to researchers around the world.”

As the demand for online museum collections has increased, Dana’s “steadfast presence in front of the computer and scanner has allowed the Key West Art & Historical Society to stay on par with national and international museums,” says Convertito.

Dana retired in 2012 from Federal Reserve Board of Government and responded to an ad The Society placed for a photograph digitization volunteer.

“Dana is very keen-minded, has a sharp attention to detail, and brought a strong desire to learn more about Florida Keys history to her work,” says Convertito. “She has been an asset to the organization and will be greatly missed.”

To view Dana’s efforts, visit To learn more about volunteer opportunities with Key West Art & Historical Society, call Membership Coordinator Kim Livingston at 305.295.6616 x 106. Your Museums. Your Community. It takes an Island.

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