Custom House Photo Contest

Shutter-bugs have until November 9th to submit entries into the Custom House photo contest. Categories are Color, Black & White and Nighttime.
Shutter-bugs have until November 9th to submit entries into the Custom House photo contest. Categories are Color, Black & White and Nighttime.

CUSTOM HOUSE PHOTO CONTEST– Like to take photos? Love costume parties? In celebration of the 125th anniversary of Key West’s iconic Custom House building, Key West Art & Historical Society has announced a photo contest. Here’s how it works: Go to and upload one or more photos you have taken of the Custom House – inside or out. One winner from each of three separate categories—Color, Black & White, and Nighttime—will be determined by the amount of “likes” uploaded images receive. Winners will receive a $250 cash prize and tickets for two to the November 30 “Back In Time” fundraiser.

Ownership of all images will remain with the photographer, though KWAHS may post winning entries on The Society’s website and Facebook page and will also include some of the submitted and winning images in press releases. Entrants are welcome to submit as many images of the exterior or interior of the building as they like until November 9th, when the contest officially closes.

For more information visit KWAHS.ORG. Your Museums. Your Community. It takes an Island.

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