letter to the editor

Are We Being Fooled Again?


by Eugene E Nanay Jr. …….

Dear Editor,

Climate Change, it’s been going on for Billions of years without Man’s help. Don’t believe me, ask the Rocks. Lately there is a growing movement that is claiming that man and his machines Are what’s causing this phenomenon. A study in 2010 showed that Human activity was Estimated to be in 35Billion MetricTones of CO2 thrown into the atmosphere annually. Now the Industrial Revolution started Approximately 270 years ago. You figure the math. Now let’s look at 1 Volcano. There was a study of Mt. Kilauea in 2007 that Estimated there was between 8000 & 30000 Metric/T of CO2 Per DAY (19000[avg.]) X365= 6.94 Million/tonnes/year. Now that’s just for 1(one) of the 1500 volcanoes considered active ABOVE the surface of the water. No one cares to estimate what Submarine Volcanoes contributes to the pollution of the atmosphere. And how long has Volcanism been active on the planet??? Now there’s no doubt in my mind that humans do contribute to polluting the atmosphere. The Government tells us that it’s our individual responsibility to stop polluting. What is the Government doing with the Airline Industry that has 10s of thousands of commercial aircraft in the air at any one time dumping their pollutants into the atmosphere at 30,000 feet. And what about all those commercial ships polluting both the water and air, and what about the Governments themselves with their programs. It’s easy to tell someone else to solve this problem without doing your part in the equation. Don’t you think that you should clean your own house before telling others it’s their fault. And don’t forget that this Governmental crusade on climate change is All About the MONEY.

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