letter to the editor

Dear Editor…

Dear Editor,

I first wrote to you (and had my letter published) about two years ago, explaining that I was an ‘older’ person in England who couldn’t wait to open and read the Blue Paper every week.

Colin (my husband) and I first visited Key West in 2006 and instantly fell in love with the Island. So much so that we returned three times more, once for two weeks and twice for three weeks in late May/early June, and each time it felt harder to leave!  But since I retired we haven’t been able to afford the trip and miss the Island, the staff at the Ocean Key Resort, Mallory Square, Schooner Wharf Bar, the Tropic Cinema, the friendliness of the people and so much more including of course – the sunshine.

However, reading the Blue Paper over the years has made me feel closer to the Island, and we decided to save up so that we could return this year to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary. But how things can change – and sadly we’re no longer able to return to Key West. This is because I have heart failure now following a ‘silent’ heart attack at the end of last year and can’t do the flights or cope with busy airports anymore.

But you’ve experienced changes too, most of which I’ve been able to follow thanks to the Blue Paper. And I’m so pleased to see that you may be able to reconvene and continue. Thankfully I have a large collection of photographs and memorabilia from Key West and now have the time to scrapbook everything too. And nothing can ever take away the memories of some of the happiest times Colin and I have spent anywhere ever. Thank you Key West!

Wishing the Blue Paper all the very best for the future.

Patricia Wood

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