A Great New Book Introduction at the Pigeon Key Art Festival!

“Pathway through Paradise”

It will be an engineering “miracle.”

A highway across the ocean!

We will build it from both ends to the middle…

It will be frustrating.

It will humble us.

But we will have the fortitude, the perseverance, the courage and the political savvy to build this highway across the sea!!


Laugh-out-Loud at some of their antics!

A most entertaining look!

Oh! The conniving politics!

Pigeon Key


The scandalous toll era!

The history and beauty of the bridges – engineering marvels.

What a Story!

Warning: Reading this book will

guarantee bouts of Nostalgic distraction the next time you travel our “Pathway through Paradise” –

The Overseas Highway.

(In 2018: 90 years old.)

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