There’s Trouble in Paradise

When a scurrying horde of giant Gambian rats threaten to bring chaos to the easy living, fun-loving Conch nation, who will step forward to save the day?

  • A lightning-zapped veterinarian now trying his hand as a street-fair fortune teller.
  • A Scottish monk whose ambition is to rehab the rats, and ship them off to South America where they can selflessly serve humanity by sniffing out landmines and disease?
  • A pampered runaway Hemingway house cat who teams up with an aspirational Gambian rodent seeking a greater purpose?
  • A floundering young man from the wintery north fleeing his past, and hoping to find a future?

And what’s the weapon of choice in this battle against ecological disaster?

  • Poison? Swords? Heavy artillery?

Nope. Try bagpipe music. Who but our unlikely heroes and Scottish gypsies would know that the keening, mournful sound of the pipes is banana pudding to the sensitive souls of ratties?

It’s all here in sunny Key West—colorful characters, both human and animal, coming together in a versatile conga line of off-beat adventure and personal discovery.

Price $5.99 Print $.99 Kindle
To be published end of December, 2017
Available through

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