letter to the editor

Grinder Pumps: An Open Letter to Roman Gastesi, Monroe County Administrator


To: Roman Gastesi, Monroe County Administrator

Dear Sir:

The other day I received a letter from your general contractor for The CRWS , Mr. Kurt Zuelch, informing me that per Monroe County ordinance number 01–72002, it was mandated that I connect to your public sewer system by December 12, 2016 (enclosed).  The letter goes on to explain the financial aspects of this mandate.

Therefore, I must put you on notice that your contractor failed to provide me a gravity connection at my property line as mandated by your ordinance, which he is contracted to follow or he is breaking your law. Because your contractor has made it impossible for me to comply with your aforementioned ordinance for services, which is impossible for you to provide, it is in my open union illegal and possibly fraud. Why are your contractor shows or was directed not to follow your own ordinances is puzzling?  Mr. Zuelch A former states attorney for Monroe County should known that he is required to follow all laws and ordinances.

I direct you to tell your contractor to comply with your own ordinances by providing me with a gravity connection at my property line.


Eugene E. Nanay Jr.

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