Islamophobia Killed My Brother. Let’s End the Hate

On February 10, 2015, Suzanne Barakat’s brother Deah, her sister-in-law Yusor and Yusor’s sister Razan were murdered by their neighbor in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. The perpetrator’s story, that he killed them over a traffic dispute, went unquestioned by the media and police until Barakat spoke out at a press conference, calling the murders what they really were: hate crimes. As she reflects on how she and her family reclaimed control of their narrative, Barakat calls on us to speak up when we witness hateful bigotry and express our allyship with those who face discrimination.

4 thoughts on “Islamophobia Killed My Brother. Let’s End the Hate

  1. Thank you for publishing this extremely important video. People in this country need to learn how to emphathize and be compassionate instead of hating as too many do.

  2. I wholly agree that the hate should stop, But it has to stop on BOTH sides. I Don’t hate Muslims, so why do Muslims want to kill me??? I guess if Muslims continue to want to kill me, I have no other choice than to want to stay alive. So, Answer me. Why do Muslims want to kill me???

  3. We can not just assume this was a race hate crime. It may been but till proven in court is just a murder. Results likely will be the same.
    That Americans do not trust Muslims is because Muslims want to kill Americans. Hard to be friends with such a race. Until this changes you can expect to be rejected. Other races have spent decades to be accepted and even to this day racism continues. Out of fear many may never accept Muslims. They need to first gain respect and that is earned not demanded.. Is a Muslim in danger living in this country ? Likely they are. Not saying that is deserved but is a fact. Go back to the 50’s and 60’s and look at how blacks were treated. As a teen I quickly learned to never mention any of my black friends to my parents. Yes they were very racist years and still not over for many. YES BOTH MUST STOP. Perhaps if not as noticeable in how they dress the trust and change would be faster.
    Take a look at many cities including Key West and tell me the KWPD has not been racist towards blacks. You can’t simply just say STOP.

    Look at the hate over Trump. Never in my life do I recall such hatred over an election.

  4. Sorry to once again be the bearer of bad news, but Muslims are not a race.

    I simply cannot believe how utterly stupid so many people are….and yet, these are the people who find “success” in life.

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