letter to the editor

Property Insurance Rate Increase


by Ron Cole…….

To the Editors:

Response – “Rate hike won’t be taken lightly” by Mel Montague, FIRM

Regarding FIRM (Fair Insurance Rates for Monroe) board president Mel Montagne’s letter regarding proposed 2017 windstorm property insurance rate increases and threat to “seek redress through the courts” – Thank you on behalf of all Monroe County residents and property owners.

How much longer do you think the issue (& consequences) of “climate engineering” can be concealed from the general public – the federal government’s “gag order” on this activity notwithstanding? Could this be the cause of the “significant divergence of scientific opinion” regarding the “wide disparity in the results of the four hurricane loss projection models?”

Mr. Montague’s “disappointment at what [he] perceives to be total disregard for the residents, businesses and governments of Monroe County, as well as [FIRM]” should be shared by all of us.

I suggest we consider expanding the scope of the lawsuit along the lines of what residents of California are doing in their “anti-geoengineering legal alliance” legal action. For detailed information on climate engineering & legal opportunities visit:

Ron Cole

One thought on “Property Insurance Rate Increase

  1. Thanks for the interesting link, Ron. Some of the site links also seem interesting, if only for entertainment if not education.

    Whether it is really geo-engineering or a cover-up story for something entirely different, the chemical spraying is undeniable. I especially liked this sentence at the link:
    As Albert Einstein said: “We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.”

    I have personally seen phenomena associated with the chemtrails that makes me believe that geo-engineering is a fallacious cover story simply deemed most plausible and acceptable by a still-trusting and fearful public. In any event, our taxes are buying it and I think we should know how much it costs and the full justification, at the least. Maybe the lawsuit is a means to that end. None should be necessary in a government by, of, for the people, but I doubt such an animal exists past a small tribal scale.

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