Statement of Support for Renewable Energy Tax Abatement, Amendment 4 Ballot Initiative

amendment 4

To run a successful business, you must be able to control your costs. However, rising energy costs and increasing energy demands threaten a diverse array of Florida businesses and strain existing capacities to access affordable energy throughout the state. We deserve to control our energy costs and opt for plentiful, clean, renewable energy. That’s why we, the undersigned businesses, urge fellow business owners as well as all Floridians to vote yes on Amendment 4, The Florida Tax Exemptions for Renewable Energy Measure, which will appear on the primary ballot, August 30.

Amendment 4 offers simple, fair and commonsense tax incentives that will reduce economic barriers for businesses that want to invest in solar. Specifically, it will eliminate tangible property taxes on renewable energy equipment for businesses in Florida, and preclude renewable energy devices from increasing property values, which lead to higher property taxes (ad valorem taxes), in a state where taxes and regulations presently severely limit entrepreneurs’ energy choices. We consider these tax exemptions to be an important step forward for advancing the use of renewable energy in the Sunshine State for everyone–not only businesses. They will give Floridians the opportunity to choose a cleaner and more business friendly future.

We also recognize that Amendment 4 will strengthen Florida’s economy. Providing tax exemptions for commercial and industrial solar installations will allow Florida companies to more readily choose cleaner sources of energy that will also help them more effectively control over their long-term operating costs. The proliferation of renewable energy choices spurred by Amendment 4 will in turn improve our energy security, reduce costly pollution, and create new business and job opportunities—in the energy sector and in diverse businesses throughout Florida’s economy. The tax exemptions on renewable energy infrastructure could save Florida businesses an estimated $17.2 million in 2017 and up to $21.2 million by 2020. Those savings could be put toward expanding businesses, thereby creating jobs. A 2016 Report by the American Jobs Project found that, “[w]ith the right policies, the advanced energy industry in Florida can support as many as 98,500 jobs annually through 2030.”1

Constitutional Amendment 4 will appear on the August 30, 2016 primary election ballot. We encourage Republicans, Democrats and Independents alike to turn out and vote for Amendment 4. If passed by 60% of voters, Amendment 4 would benefit Florida businesses tremendously and help create a robust clean energy future for us all.

The Undersigned,

1791 Gun Leather
Adams Ranch
Aguila Cap LLC
Amy’s Island Seafood
Atlantic Painting & Sandblasting
Biscayne Chamber of Commerce
Black Dog Charters
Capt. Jason Embler
Capt. Pete Frezza Fishing
Castaway Graphics
Cod ‘n Capers Seafood
Cotton Crew Agency
Cutler Bay Solar Solutions
DP Trading
Dykoke Charters
Eltrose Farms
FSH Holdings LLC
Gibson Cove Properties, LLC
Going Coastal Charters
Hamilton Realty
Impact Surf Boards
Joan McCaughan Team
Just-in-Time Charters
KG International
Live Advantage Bait Company
Lox River Skiffs
Mike Conner Fishing
Moreland Architecture and Sustainable Design
Moss Architecture + Design Group
Murray Marine Works Corp
North Swell Media
Nunnco Property & Development Management
Octopus Marine Services
Palm Beach Contracting
Palm Beach Yacht Club
Pine Ridge Plantation
Resolve Marine
SEFAR Architecture
Simpler Solar Systems
Snook Nook
Superior Construction Services
Synergy Boat Lifts, Fort Myers
Tansey Corporation
The Land Captain, Fort Lauderdale
Tropico Enterprises Mortgages
Unity Source Group
Urban Impact Lab
World Angling

View the Amendment 4 fact sheet HERE.

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