Opening Reception Friday, August 26, POINCIANA – Richard Peter Matson

Poinciana Shadows, Richard Peter Matson
Poinciana Shadows, Richard Peter Matson

POINCIANA, a timely show of gorgeous acrylic paintings by local artist Richard Peter Matson will be on exhibit at the Key West Art Center from August 26 – September 8. The glowing reds and oranges of the Poinciana tree in bloom, is a favorite subject for Matson who is a master at portraying their mesmerizing glow. Working outdoors at his easel, he is a familiar sight to his neighbors in the beautiful Meadows area of Old Town where he can be seen most evenings at sunset practicing his art.

The Key West Art Center, a non-profit community art gallery, is located at 301 Front Street, and open every day from 10 am to 5 pm. Call (305)294-1241 or visit for more information.

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