Sugarloaf Elementary School Receives Visit From Motivational Speaker/Author, Haley Marguerite

Haley Margurite

Haley Marguerite, a 24-year old published children’s book author, spent time with Sugarloaf Elementary School students this week. Growing up as a young girl Haley was driven to be successful “no matter what that meant.”  She was hungry to be the best that she possibly could be.  “As an entrepreneur,” Marguerite says, “seeking new opportunities to take her company to the next level is a main priority.”

DSC_0098 (1)Haley’s book, Charlie Takes an Adventure, is rather unique as it was written when she was only eleven years old.  In fact it began as an assignment in her 6th grade language arts class.  The book’s targeted age group is 3-7 year-olds.

Charlie Takes an Adventure is about an adventurous penguin named Charlie, who is bored in his hometown of Pickering Wharf, Antarctica.  Charlie has no one to play with, nothing to do, and winter lasts a real long time. Charlie sets off on a plane to Florida hoping to find the missing piece of his happiness. Throughout his journey, several events do not go as well as he had planned and hoped… leaving Charlie feeling very disappointed. As Charlie is approaching the exit of Happy World, he spots a sign that reads, “Fortune teller, all wishes granted.” He speaks with the fortune teller and tells her what has been going on and why he decided to leave his hometown. Charlie is moved by an old Slovakian proverb told to him by the fortune teller. Enlightened by the proverb, Charlie comes to the realization about the true meaning of life and understands what he must do in order to be happy.


sugarloaf elm (1)Haley Marguerite visited Sugarloaf Elementary School on Monday to present her “Dream Big” event with an inspiring message to students, “Never give up! If you dream it, you can do it.”  Haley began by reading her book to the students then followed up with some questions to test the students’ comprehension. She left the students with her shining smile and a heartfelt message, “When someone tells you, you can’t do something and you do it… it’s honestly the sweetest satisfaction you can receive — proving to the ‘naysayers’ you can do it!”

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You can receive a signed copy of Charlie Takes an Adventure along with a personal message when you purchase directly from her inspirational website.

There are big things in the fire for Haley.  This coming fall the book will transform into a musical in her local neighborhood.  Stay on the lookout for Charlie Takes an Adventure to Massachusetts, 2017.

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