Liberating Students & A Nation From The Bondage of Self…


by John Donnelly…….

Penetrating the implacable nature of invertebrate malefactors is not a task for the faint of heart. However, it can be done.

Initiating a series of remedial actions via a multipronged strike upon illegitimate government and corporate practices, will resuscitate an abused citizenry reeling from the strangulating clutches of ‘exploitive authority and control’.

Characterless and power driven pursuers of money and influence must be shown the door, if we as a community and nation are ever going to enjoy the liberating glow and comfort that can reside in the hearts and minds of an enlightened people. Reconfiguring and establishing a government, which is an accountable and responsive mechanism serving and meeting the needs of all people, can be accomplished, if we elect competent leaders ethically fit to govern.

Ignorant and evilly oriented individuals are usually drawn and locked into the acquisition of materialistic accouterments, by whatever means necessary.

If we educate and embed students into paradigms, as confirmed materialists; is it any wonder that we frequently find rampant graft and depravity within our systems of management. Having been denied a complete education, unaware and unconscious to the multifaceted depths of one’s ‘Being’; the allurement, enticements and delusions of the material world exert a potent and corruptible force upon these malleable minds.

Cyclic and inherent malfeasance is not the model upon which our nation was founded. Inadequate as our Constitution may have been, it’s evolved into a ‘document of governance’ that’s reflective of rights, liberties and dignity; which are inherent to all human beings. It’s not an administrative instrument designed to enrich and empower the ruling elites, on the backs of those they’re constitutionally bound to serve.

As the stories of abuse, double-dealing and mismanagement mount in local and national media coverage; it appears we’ve been changing seats on the Titanic, not really bringing anyone into public and private management positions willing to right the course. For the most part, leadership capable of authentically constructing and implementing positive change is in limited supply, as the caliber of individual necessary to birth such a renaissance is not being developed via our system of education.

Along with being able to provide student scholarships, I was given the strength and blessing to design and fund a curriculum that promoted ‘Self-Realization and Self-Actualization Instruction’ for our students. The Monroe County School District was not excited nor interested in this proposal.

Until a dramatic overall takes place in our classrooms, we’ll continue to produce generation upon generation of graduates ill equipped to meet the challenges and stressors of life; with integrity, honor and an ‘ethical presence’.

4 thoughts on “Liberating Students & A Nation From The Bondage of Self…

  1. John, I’ll cop to it — maybe I love this piece because it sounds so much like Post Consumer Man (me) in so many places. But there is one thing I’ll remind you of: the classroom is usually a reflection of the society it operates in. There is a chicken and egg problem here. Before the classroom will be responsive to anything that could be a positive move forward, the society in general will most likely have to change first. A tall order. I’ll keep trying, as I know you will. Great stuff, ciao, Jerome

  2. Jerome,

    Sincerely appreciate your comments. The value of your insights and perceptions increases awareness and furthers discussion. Thank you.

    Many individuals in positions of authority, knowing the dramatic worth of instruction associated with Self-Realization & Self-Actualization, could immediately move forward with this type of project, at no cost to the taxpayer, with enormous benefit for our students.

    The scientific data and evidence are abundant, supporting such studies. Children, society and the world-at-large continues to suffer because of our leadership’s inactivity.

    Thanks again…

  3. John, I don’t deny what you are saying. The problem is that our societal values do not give this a high priority. I suppose the only way for this to happen would be for people like yourself to keep advocating for it. Our society is so jaded with competition and materialism that such a task will not be easy … to say the least. But, as they say, the longest journey begins with the first step. ciao, Jerome

  4. Jerome,

    I believe your comment to be ‘spot on’. Thanks for your many valued contributions. I’m out the door to a theatrical production in Miami. I’ll Be Back…

    Blessings & Respect

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