Positive Discipline


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Montessori Children’s School is offering a FREE 3-hour Positive Discipline course on Saturday, January 16th from 9 a.m. – noon. Speaker and consultant Karina Bowders will introduce the “Positive Discipline” approach to child rearing and offer methods and tools to use at home or in the classroom. This workshop is tailored for individuals that engage with children through the age of 9 years. Montessori Children’s School is located at 1221 Varela Street. For more information call 305-294-5302 or email [email protected]

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One thought on “Positive Discipline

  1. Absolutely Magnificent…

    Meditating Child in an Advanced State of Consciousness & Awareness…

    Excellent Work Montessori Children’s School & Karina Bowders….

    Please keep us advised.

    All Love, Blessings & Respect

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