Smart Ride 2015

smart ride

Mayor Craig Cates honored the riders and crew of the upcoming SMART Ride – Southernmost AIDS/HIV Ride during this week’s City Commission meeting. Over the course of two days, the riders will cover more than 165 miles. In preparation, they endured long hours of training and the elements in order to raise awareness.

According to the proclamation, which names November 14th as Smart Ride Day, “these individuals ride to prove to themselves they cannot be easily taken by the disease and that they cannot and will not forget those who have passed.”

“Florida is leading the nation in new HIV cases,” said AIDS Help Inc. Executive Director Scott Pridgen. “With every pedal we pedal and every mile we ride, people will be coming out of their homes, looking at us. We bring awareness, and that awareness will bring dialog where one day we will have an HIV-free society.”

All of the funds raised during the awareness campaign goes to AIDS service organizations to help with medical care, pharmaceutical assistance and housing and dental care.

The two-day journey will end at the AIDS Memorial at the base of White Street Pier to honor those who have succumbed to AIDS in our community.

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