Transit Driver of the Quarter


Margarita Mann has been named Key West Transit’s Driver of the Quarter for July through Sept, 2015.

Margarita first started driving a bus for Key West Transit in 2003. She left a couple times but always comes back. She recently rejoined the City in June of this year, and everyone is glad to have her back. She loves driving the bus and the passengers all know and appreciate her. Margarita drives the local city routes.

One thought on “Transit Driver of the Quarter

  1. I admire the skill and nerve of Margarita (and her comrades) who can negotiate KW city streets without flattening bicyclists or rubbing the paint of parked (and moving) cars!
    I sweat Key West driving with just a full size van and it doesn’t look to me like those buses even fit in a lane, let alone with a string of wobbly bikes riding beside the half-parked cars. Way to go Margarita!

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