SHAL Monthly Report

Report to the City of Key West
For September 2015


SHAL’s Case Management team has more numbers to brag about this month. Some data research shows that since July 2014, about 15 months, SHAL lead by Client Services Manager Elicia Pintabona, has relocated 178 persons (as much as 1/5 of the homeless population of Monroe County) at a cost of $33,000 (primarily from out of County grants). These are homeless individuals that have been counseled and agreed to be permanently reunited/relocated to mainland locations where they have support in the form of family, friends and often employment in another area where they have a better chance of being self-sufficient.

Unfortunately, SHAL is temporarily out of the relocation business, having been denied a Challenge grant opportunity from the Monroe County Continuum of Care. SHAL is working hard, with help from the City of Key West, to replace those funds and resume this and other important programs to reduce homelessness in our community.

New SHAL Office Space Still Needed! Please contact Executive Director John Miller ([email protected]) or at 502/876-5092 if you know of a small office space that could be available.

SHAL is gearing up to begin a “Housing First” beta project, funded through Monroe County, to place homeless individuals in permanent housing. Coupled with a financial education course in connection with Centennial Bank, this project will place 20 to 30 people in sustainable rooms or apartments up and down the Keys.

shal graphic

Shelter Usage

Client Track shows that there were an average of about 113 clients sleeping in the Shelter in September 2015. KOTS was not full by 9 pm on any evening. There were 7 EMT calls made for Shelter clients in August.

Service Summary Report • September 2015

Total Services Rendered: 486, Case Management contacts: 358

Health Care Services Rendered: 11

Health Care Appointments:7        Mental Health Referrals:         2 RX Assistance: 2

Other Services:

Case Management: 66                  Information Services: 140
Cell Phones: 38                              Mailing Address: 21
Food/Clothing: 1                            Identification/Residency Services: 40
SS Issues: 17                                  Birth Certificate Assistance: 29
Long Distance Relocation: 23      Job Search Assistance: 13
Local housing: 5                             EBT Services: 34

Coordinated Assessment System (CAS) Forms Completed: 47 (Sheltered 30, Unsheltered 17)

Highlights this Month

  • Continued shower services to unsheltered clients.
  • Continued to provide temporary mailing address for SS, Food Stamps and Birth Certificates.
  • Were able to pay for clients medication for acute illnesses.
  • Continued case management services to jail clients.
  • SHAL continues to work with the Public Defender’s Office and the JIP program to assist clients upon release from jail.
  • Extended our outreach locations to Marathon. Program has had a successful start, enrolling 8 new clients to our program and providing services to many sheltered and unsheltered clients.

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