Leadership Sets Law-Enforcement Standards High


rick ramsey

by John Donnelly…….

Difficult criminal cases involving marine theft, without any leads, ranging over 112 miles of coastal waterways, adjacent to a crime ridden Miami; might cause a lesser man to relent and look to bury the problem.

Not so our Sheriff Rick Ramsay and the gallant men and women of law-enforcement that he consolidated into a ‘task force’, which appears to have smashed and broken a crime wave that has plagued the citizens of Monroe County. The brazenness of these burglaries had been on the increase, as this rash of robberies had begun to increasingly place the lives and property of our citizens at risk.

Sheriff Ramsay, Captain Fanelli and Lieutenant Ramirez; along with the extraordinary performance and magnificent dedication of detectives and deputies within the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department; as well as all those who participated in this joint operation, I commend and applaud your success.

The professional manner in which you detailed this case, represents the high calling and proficiency of a ‘superior police force’. The diligently coordinated tactics and brilliantly effective plan that you put into action, netted the arrest of two alleged suspects, who may be the driving force behind this criminal enterprise.

The commitment and dedication that the aforementioned officers of the law displayed, over an extended period of time, are signature to the highest ideals, ethics and values; which one can expect from men and women who have sworn an oath to serve and protect.

4 thoughts on “Leadership Sets Law-Enforcement Standards High

  1. John, Considering what has been the usual news about police work these days, I’d like to think what you say here is true. Maybe it is, the few times I’ve had to deal with the Sheriff’s dept. has usually been positive for me, even when getting a ticket. What impresses me most about the Sheriff’s dept. is their motorcycles. I think they are BMW’s and they purr along with the utmost quietness. For one who feels offended by the Harley deluge, it is refreshing. ciao, Jerome

  2. Jerome,

    Always value and appreciated your replies. Your honesty, integrity and forthrightness are refreshing.

    Your response calls to mind: “Everyone hates the cops, until they need one”. I’ve needed their immediate assistance on occasion. They always arrived in the nick of time, prepared to face whatever danger was before them.

    As you know, a bad or corrupted officer, is not of use to the citizenry.

    Blessings & Respect…

  3. John, I agree with you. I am not a knee jerk “pig” hater and we, as a society, certainly need them. It is a function of civilized society that cannot be done without. But police work, simply by the nature of its task, has a tendency to attract an element of society not much different from certain criminal elements. The “legal” and “illegal” side of the border can become fuzzy in this kind of work. Vigilance is very important. A pleasure to talk to you John, ciao, Jerome

  4. Jerome,

    LEADERSHIP…Strong, consistent and straight across the board is required to keep heavily armed human beings under control… Focused upon Constitutionally carrying out all of their duties under the law…In service to the welfare of All People…

    Absent leadership; we have rogue agencies centered in chaos, calamity and self-serving interests.

    As usual, you honor me with your honest and straightforward comments. I thank you much.

    Blessings & Respect…


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