Mangia Mangia Pasta Cafe Donates 25% of Sales to Habitat for Humanity

mangia mangia

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WHAT: Mangia Mangia Pasta Cafe donates 25% of total sales to Habitat for Humanity of Key West & Lower Florida Keys
WHEN: Thursday, September 24, 2015 from 5:30 pm – 10:00 pm
WHERE: Mangia Mangia Pasta Café, 900 Southard Street, Key West

Mangia Mangia and Habitat for Humanity – food and shelter, two necessities of life! Mark your calendar and make your reservations: Mangia Mangia, 900 Southard St. in Key West, is donating 25% of total sales (including take-out orders) to Habitat for Humanity of Key West & Lower Florida Keys on Thursday, September 24th from 5:30 pm -10:00 pm.

To make reservations or call-in your take-out order contact Mangia Mangia (305) 294-2469.

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