Poetry Guild Features Aleister Eaves Sept 6

aleister eaves sketch

Aleister Eaves is the featured poet at the Sunday, Sept. 6 gathering of the Key West Poetry Guild, at 7 p.m. upstairs at Blue Heaven, at the corner of Thomas and Petronia streets. In case of increment weather, please stay tuned for more information in the paper.

Aleister Eaves is a self-taught, multidisciplinary artist whose practice began in poetry at the age of seven. Eaves often works in the confessional style and stresses the importance of personal experience as a means of expanding global empathy through visceral art. That artist is currently preparing their next exhibit, an immersive participatory installation which will explore themes of childhood isolation and longing.

Every guild meeting contains at least one lightning round, in which each poet in attendance is invited to read, in turn, one, original poem. The guild has been meeting every first Sunday without fail for at least 40 years. J.M. Varela will moderate the September meeting and C.S. Gilbert will introduce the featured poet.

For additional information please phone Gilbert at (305) 393-7844.

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