The Professor and Mary Ann at Saluté

 Photo by Mark Allen
Photo by Mark Allen

The Professor And Mary Ann will delight the patrons of Saluté! On The Beach on Friday from 6-9 PM with their whimsical charm. The winners of this year’s 53rd Annual OIRF Conch Shell Blowing Contest in the Group Category have expanded on that success to form a duo so they can continue to share their love of music with others. Their music is a mix of the old and the new – swing tunes from the 1920s-1940s, novelty tunes and rockers from the 1950s, and original songs from both participants. The instrumentation is a bit unusual – mandolin, ukulele, glockenspiel, kazoo, and conch. All in all, it’s a refreshing departure from business as usual: lighthearted, whimsical, and utterly charming.

It’s a tale as old as the sea and as new as today, of dichotomy and duality, of the unlikely yet natural pairing of disparate elements: old and young, knowledge and innocence, low and high, great and small, plain and pretty, landlubber and seafarer – The Professor and Mary Ann. What began as a brief foray into uncharted waters has evolved into an odyssey with no end in sight. Each time they set up to entertain it’s a three hour tour of unparalleled delight.

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