letter to the editor

Billing for No Service Rendered


Dear Editor,

It has been published that FKAA will be charging their sewer customers a fee for usage once the notice to hook up is posted Even if there is no connection. No turds have been processed by the Mandated sewer, no service rendered. So how can they bill for no service rendered?

A long time ago, before anyone wants to admit, the FKAA was also committing dubious billing practices, causing the South Florida Water Management District to go down to Key West and take over the FKAA until all the ?Un Ethical and/or Illegal acts were rectified and miscreants dealt with as required (promoted to a higher position or allowed to resign with a Golden Parachute).

From all the information available regarding this CRWS I hope that someone besides me should start asking WTF is going on. Anyone else tired of the Whitewash all because of this MANDATE which has been around since ’89

Eugene Nanay (Dr. Geno)

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