Your Chance to Join in: Visioning and CRA Work Plan for Bahama Village


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Save The Date – July 28 and 29, 2015

Florida Keys Eco-Discovery Center – 35 East Quay Road

Roundtable Meeting Sessions
Day 1: Tuesday, July 28 from 9 to 4
Day 2: Wednesday July 29 from 9 to 2:30

Public Community Meeting
Tuesday, July 28 from 6 to 8

For the Fiscal Yer 2010, the BVRAC and Community Redevelopment Agency have funded a Work Plan that is intended to guide and prioritize future improvements and spending on CRA projects within Bahama Village. The new Work Plan shall be for a 25-year planning horizon (2015-2040) and is based on the 20101 CRA Vision Plan’s guiding principles for the Bahama Village CRA.

The Work Plan Kick-Off Event brings together the community and its numerous stakeholders over a two-day period of roundtable discussions and public meetings. Over this short period of time, the consultants team – Zyscovich Architects and Lambert Advisory – will facilitate an initial dialogue between all meeting participants to help identify community issues and aspirations as well as any preferences for revitalization and redevelopment within the Bahama Village CRA.

Participating in these meetings will give you a chance to undertake a comprehensive review of the CRA Plan accomplishment to date and help define a Work Plan for the future that is consistent with Bahama Village Community Redevelopment Subarea (BVCRSA) Plan, the City’s Comprehensive Plan, the Strategic Plan, the Capital Improvements Plan, and other budgeted improvements for the neighborhood.

During meeting sessions, we will be asking you to share your opinion on quality of life issues and priorities in the Bahama Village CRA and how you can be a part of this important planning process for the community.

Join us for a brief overview of the CRA Visioning and Work Plan goals and objectives and hear how you and your organization can participate in this important planning effort!

For more information please contact:

Thaddeus Cohen, Planning Director, City of Key West

305-809-3728 / [email protected]  or visit

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