letter to the editor

Problem Solved


Dear Editor,

So much hoopla about same sex marriage becoming the law of the land. Why not just remove the government from the marriage licensing business altogether? Some have suggested that there be civil disobedience by the state to refuse to issuing same sex marriage licenses. Let’s not go there again as was done when states tried to nullify federal laws regarding integration and miscegenation.

Just refuse to issue any marriage license so that if some couple wishes to ‘live in union’ then they can have a civil union, make contracts, issue power of attorney to their significant other or simply just play the ‘palimoney’ game as many celebrities and non-celebrities have done. Oh yes, the objection was they didn’t want a civil union they wanted a full-fledged marriage. That objection of being a ‘second class citizen’ flies out the window for there isn’t any marriage licenses under this plan.

We need to realize that there is a whole body of ‘family law’ to which couples can appeal. There is no need to be married to make use of those law principles. I am sure that the attorneys can figure all this out when issues arise as to one’s rights ‘so called’. It can be a windfall for attorneys. Like DUI cases. Court directed driver schools to avoid points on our driver licenses, etc.

It is hardly known that what killed traditional marriage was the politician’s sleight of hand maneuverings when they fast tracked the Defense of Marriage Act through Congress in an election year later to undo it with the DOJ under Obama opting out of defending it as unconstitutional. The basis was the discovery that Section Three of the DOMA impacted over a thousand regulations in the system which eliminated benefits to unmarried people in various life situations. Rather than trying to untangle all of this mess, Congress just caved in and the courts rightly said that this section of the law was discriminatory and destroyed the Act altogether. Not before they had hired a law firm to ‘defend’ it at exorbitant fees. After all, our representatives and the committees in Congress don’t have time to be bothered with the time it would take to right a wrong.

Just think of the hundreds of thousands of dollars to be saved by eliminating these marriage departments both to the persons having to pay exorbitant fees for the license and for the operational expenses associated with the budgets for these departments. I am sure the government will find plenty of jobs for those displaced workers. Who knows? The county might even promote them to new positions with higher pay.

So let’s say that a gay couple wants to get ‘married’. Let them go to their attorney for the details regarding realty holding and other property rights, medical care supervision, etc. whatever the case may require. Those institutions that demand a marriage certificate in order to access their services would be hard pressed not to comply with those demanding fair treatment for their services or face the financial burden of litigation and other legal problems. (Isn’t this how the Marriage Act was defeated?)

Hey if the couple wants to wear wedding bands and place some sacred significance to them so be it. Ceremonial garbs and fanfare is an individual matter. Ever hear of any wedding caterers going out of business because people would rather live together than get married? Duh.

Now those of us who already have a certified marriage certificate won’t have that problem. But let’s suppose the couple wants to obtain a ‘marriage certificate’. Let them go to their church. Certainly there are thousands of people who belong to the gay and other communities (LGBT, etc.) who profess themselves to either be in the ‘faith’ or members of a ‘church’. No more excuses that they shouldn’t have to be treated in a discriminatory way. All are being treated this way since now the state is out of the business of issuing marriage licenses to anyone. Sorry no more kissing on the steps outside of the courthouse. (Of course there is no law to prohibit any one from sitting on the bench there and showing all the intimate affections they wish).

A union between a man and a woman or of people of the same sex is a private matter to be worked out according to existing legal protections of any civil union. (Kind of takes the wind out of the Gay Agenda’s desire to be ‘in your face’.)

Non-Church goers will simply seek the advice of attorneys to draw up the required paper work giving them access to whatever services they might seek. Isn’t this already being done by thousands of couples living out of wedlock who care nothing for licenses, laws, protection of rights etc? Some people are just stupid that way. Not caring to look to consequences in the future. They seem to have the attitude of either ‘live and let live’ or ‘eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die’.

For the person who believes that marriage is between a man and a woman and was instituted by God as a covenant relationship, then they will see their union as blessed by the church and those of their fellowship and not have to be ostracized because they lack a marriage certificate issued by the state that gives credence to the relationship (remember there are no state issued marriage licenses anymore). Now the believer can truly say that they are married in the eyes of the Lord and submitted themselves to the examination of their church fellowship and leaders. How many pastors today already marry anyone whether they are ‘true’ believers of not or even members of their congregation? Their vows are truly seen as a covenant before God not to be broken. Of course, vow or no vow this promise of eternal love will not ensure that they will live happily ever after and “what God has joined together, let no man put asunder”. All that each one can hope for is that they will be well pleasing to their Lord in the conduct of their lives one to another. On that basis alone is what all shall be judged anyway.

But what about the church person who doesn’t wish to be married in the church by the pastor? No problem there are thousands of church people who are living together without anyone’s approval. Remember they also do ‘according to what they believe is right in their own eyes.’ Their ways are not God’s way, neither are their thoughts God’s thoughts.

There is a greater issue than the right of same sex marriage. The issue has to do with the foundations set forth in our constitution. Are we a nation of “We the People”? What unalienable rights shall the citizen look to for the governance of their lives? That is the battle that is on the horizon and for which the nation will weep what it has sown. We must remember that this nation, although claiming to be Christian, was never meant to have a Constitution in order to form a more perfect moral union but a more perfect union.

The nation’s conscience must not be ‘One Nation under God” but rather “One Imagination under God”.


Brother Omar

Key West

2 thoughts on “Problem Solved

  1. Brother Omar, This is one of the first times I’ve been able to read something that resembles my thoughts on this subject. Personally, rather than widen the province of marriage, I’d be all for doing away with it altogether. (I’ve been married twice). The only thing that should be mandated by law should be a parent’s obligations to his or her children. It burns me up when the gay marriage thing is referred to as a “triumph for love”. We all know that “love” is a personal matter having nothing to do with a piece of paper or legal interpretation. I’m all for 2 people of any sex loving each other, living together, or whatever, but I can’t see why 2 people with no chance of procreating deserve any monetary incentives from the government. Why should 2 people with no obligations to anyone, with no hindrance in making a living, with no extra expenses in raising a child, etc., get these rewards? As for any other things that are made easier by marriage, you are entirely correct … there are more than enough legal mechanisms in place right now to provide for anything a same sex couple might need. I very much appreciate this letter, thanks Omar.

  2. much agreed removing the government from licensing marriage ‘equalizes’ the question well and lays it to rest without exercise of the requirement for a convoluted opinion from the 9 robes of black… 2 of which with conflict of interest who should have recused themselves without doubt.
    then we can start work on removing 90% of the gov for a good beginning!

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