Tony Yaniz Reelection Bid District IV

tony yaniz headFour years ago my neighbors and friends suggested I seek the District IV Commissioner seat. Together we formed a coalition of families, senior citizens, Key West youth and workers and identified a Fresh Approach platform: Accessibility and Transparency. I’ve listened and worked hard and learned. I strongly believe I have kept the promises I made to those who supported me for my first term. I believe the role of a Commissioner is to gather feedback from the people from my district and to promote, discuss, and advocate on their behalf; I believe I’ve done that as well.

In my district our issues are mostly: a roof over our heads, food on the table, clean and safe streets, and open green spaces to recreate. My district is very concerned about the well-being of our city as issues that affect the City also impact the District and vice versa; I believe I have been faithful in that process as well. I have come a long ways toward accomplishing those goals; the record shows it. I am confident that my constituents will acknowledge my efforts and continue to support me by rewarding me with another term. I thank you and ask for your support to continue moving forward. It’s working!

One thought on “Tony Yaniz Reelection Bid District IV

  1. sorry yaniz… your deplorable handling of the Eimers case disqualifies you from the public trust. a police apologist and lapdog is the last thing Key West needs. do yourself, and better yet, us, a favor and quietly fade away into the oblivion you so richly deserve.

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