letter to the editor



Dear Editor:

Strong arm tactics are being employed by BOCC/FKAA in extorting you to give up your property rights so the BOCC will not have to pay for a traffic bearing lid and the power to run the grinder pumps. The Voters voted a tax to pay for the sewers which include the traffic bearing lids and electric to run the pump. We are still paying that tax. Why is that earmarked tax money being spent for anything but what the voters wanted. Did the voters vote to have $14 million dollars earmarked for the sewers GIVEN to the State of Florida to help repair their bridge to a Marathon Tourist attraction?? There are existing easements that FKAA has used in the past to install pipe and meter boxes never once trying to extort an easement for their meter box. Now here is a Contractor (of the county who owns the equipment-The Owner-) who is trying to extort an easement when they already have one. WTF??

Eugene E. Nanay Jr.

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