letter to the editor


Dear Editors:


It’s hard to believe that an estimated 10-percent minority could overthrow the absolute moral authority of a major world religion.

Yes, the indomitable spirit of gay Hibernians has undercut the Roman Catholic Church’s 1,600 year long, moral stranglehold on western civilization. How could this happen? How could a despised minority garner the support of a majority that was taught to fear and denigrate it as human condition?

On Friday, May 22, 2015, Ireland held and won a referendum on the civil legality of same sex marriages. In a land where the unholy alliance of church-state politics made that country a historical laughing stock. Everything has changed – and for the better. Ireland is vibrant and free once again.

Interested persons might consult the primary texts on moral theology – if you can endure the tautological doublethink of Sts. Thomas Aquinas or Augustine. More modern readers could benefit by reading Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs or Lawrence Kohlberg’s hierarchy of moral values. The internet has lists or relevant topics and side issues, too.

Curiously, in my estimation, same sex marriage was merely the pretext to this world-changing event. The root cause was due to the church’s moral intransigence coupled with recent revelations of its protecting priestly sex crimes: institutionalized pederasty that revolted all people everywhere.

The prerogatives of a male dominated organization have made everybody question male authority in general. The men and women of Ireland voted to abandon such a cruel chauvinism. Hopefully, other nominally Roman Catholic nations will soon become morally self-directive – most recently Argentina. It’s time for everyone everywhere to enter this brave new world anew.

Lastly, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the important empowerment of women everywhere. They still have the temerity to fight institutionalized male oppression and violence, making freedom and justice for all a genuine possibility.



  1. Very well stated and true. Great leap forward, however the women of Ireland still are not allowed safe legal abortion because of the same archaic men’s club of the Roman Catholic Church. There is a reason our founders separated church and state in this republic…

  2. Oh yes, after we encourage our impressionable youth to deny what is normal in human relationships, let’s be sure to target the few who may escape the brainwashing and possibly become pregnant. Let’s make sure that these few understand that the majority do not appreciate their desire to procreate. Let’s make sure that these women understand fully that making a career for themselves is much, much more important than motherhood. And let’s make sure that they make the right choice to murder their babies, ensuring that her soul and psyche will be forever damaged and that the human race will continue to spiral down into the pits of hell.

    Great observation Alex, thanks.

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