Jerusalem Post Correspondent to Speak at B’nai Zion

Herb Keinon
Herb Keinon

Herb Keinon, diplomatic correspondent for the Jerusalem Post, will speak at Congregation B’nai Zion at 8 p.m. on Thursday, April 16, which is also Holocaust Remembrance Day. The program is free and open to the public.

There will be a very brief commemorative service prior to the talk, according to Rabbi Shimon Dudai and Dr. John Kreinces, event coordinator.

Keinon “has been at the Jerusalem Post for the last 20 years,” according to his bio. “During this time he has covered a wide variety of different beats, including Jerusalem, immigration and absorption, religious parties, haredim, and the settlements. He has also been a features writer and weekly columnist at the paper.

The correspondent “is responsible for covering the prime minister and the foreign minister, and often travels with the Prime Minister on his trips abroad. As such, Mr. Keinon has up-close knowledge and an intimate perspective of the current confrontation and the various diplomatic attempts at solving it.

“In addition, Mr. Keinon appears frequently on a variety of radio and television programs in the US, Canada, and Europe as a guest commentator on the situation in Israel. He has also lectured widely both in Israel and the US on the subject.”

The local lecture is timely and likely offers information unavailable from other sources. “There is an obvious connection between Holocaust Memorial Day and current events, what with Iran, with its ominous intentions regarding Israel, looming large in the news,” said Kreinces. “Mr Keinon will no doubt be touching upon that subject, as well as other matters relating to events in Israel and the Middle East in general.”

Originally from Denver, the biography continues, Keinon “has a BA in political science from the University of Colorado, Boulder, and an MA in journalism from the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana. He has lived in Israel for 25 years, is married with four children, and lives in Ma’ale Adumim, just outside of Jerusalem.”

The correspondent’s appearance in Key West is sponsored by AIPAC, the America-Israel Public Affairs Committee, a non-political organization which seeks to inform the public about Israel), as well as the host synagogue, which is located at 750 United Street in Old Town, Key West.

For additional information, please contact (305) 294-9626.

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