Good Morning Florida Keys With Jenna Stauffer Featuring Diana Nyad

25 million people worldwide rooted for Diana on September 2nd, 2013 as she approached the Florida shore, at long last achieving her 35-year-old dream of becoming the first person to swim from Cuba to Florida.

Diana is not one to quit. On her fifth attempt, speaking the words “Never Ever Give Up” to the wildly cheering crowd on a Key West beach on September 2, 2013, Diana may have been dazed and physically spent, but she showed the world what persistence and belief can manifest. Diana stroked the amazing 110.86 miles in 52 hours, 54 minutes, 18 seconds.

Daring to reach for the stars, this swim beginning to seem impossible (after her four attempts and other strong swimmers trying and failing since 1950), Diana has motivated the world at large to be bold, to live fearlessly, to chase one’s dreams with unwavering commitment.

The second statement the victorious 64-year-old made on that Key West beach? “You’re never too old to chase your dreams.” And her third statement on that historic day:“It looks a solitary sport, but it’s a TEAM.”

A prominent sports broadcaster, filing for National Public Radio, Fox Sports, ABC’s Wide World of Sports, The New York Times, etc, for thirty years, Diana has carved her place as one of our compelling story-tellers. She has written three books and speaks three languages, and is currently working on her memoir for Knopf, out in 2015. Diana has also earned the reputation of a uniquely entertaining and inspiring public speaker.


Much more from Good Morning Florida Keys With Jenna Stauffer here.

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