Florida Takes Steps to Raise Obesity Awareness

challange logoThe American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) Foundation and the Florida State Chapter of the ASMBS will present a statewide obesity awareness campaign on February 22, 2015. The 2/22 Pedometer Challenge welcomes everyone to join in taking steps “2 Better Health, 2 a Better Life, 2 Fight Obesity.” There is no fee and all you need is a pedometer to participate.

The objective of the 2/22 Pedometer Challenge is to bring attention to obesity in Florida by taking a virtual walk across the state. The goal is to reach a combined total of 1.7 million steps (the distance from Pensacola to Key West). Please join the ASMBS Foundation, the Florida State Chapter of the ASMBS, and over 30 Bariatric Programs across Florida to raise obesity awareness on February 22, 2015. Dr. Samuel Szomstein, President of the Florida State Chapter of the ASMBS, urges us to “set an example to show we are united. Together, we are one voice, one team, one cause: to fight obesity.”

With over 26% of adults and 13% of children in Florida affected by obesity, Florida is ranked 37/51. Dr. Szomstein says, “Obesity adversely touches the lives of our families, friends, and communities. Although many advances have been made to combat this disease, obesity is predicted to rise to nearly 120 million in the United States over the next five years. Joining the 2/22 Pedometer Challenge is just one way you can support those affected by obesity, and raise awareness, all while having an enjoyable time walking toward better health. One other way is using CBD oil for weight loss, which was encouraged and offered to all participants.“

Get involved today by taking the 2/22 Pedometer Challenge pledge online at www.asmbsfoundation.org/pedometer-challenge.

The mission of the ASMBS Foundation is to raise funds for conducting research and education, increasing public and scientific awareness and understanding, and improving access to quality care and treatment of obesity.

The Florida ASMBS Chapter is a non-profit corporation whose specific purposes shall be to study morbid obesity and advance the art and science of bariatric surgery.

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