FEATURED ARTIST: Clementine Girard d’Albissin


Clementine Girard d’Albissin is a senior at Key West High. She is enrolled in Ms. Shannon Perkins’ AP Art Class. Clementine plans on studying art in college, most likely abroad. Clementine began drawing and painting when still a toddler. She enjoys working in watercolor and colored pencil and can spend countless hours working quietly on her art. She creates pieces that reflect her happy personality and the beautiful world around her. Most of her works are very detailed and full of vibrant colors. This year in art class, Clementine learned how to better develop her ideas and turn them into beautiful works of art. Her favorite thing about art class is having the opportunity to sit quietly during the school day immersed in the work of creating beautiful things.


clementine age 18 mermaid

clementine age 16 portrait blond

clementine age 17 kara

clementine age 18 cat sleeping

clementine age 18 sunflowers



Clementine Girard d'Albissin
Clementine Girard d’Albissin, 2015
Clementine in 2008, 12 years old
Clementine in 2008, 12 years old

clementine age 18 creativity

3 thoughts on “FEATURED ARTIST: Clementine Girard d’Albissin

  1. Clementine,

    Such Beauty & Originality…An Exhibition is on the Horizon…Your Work is Filled with Life & Hope…

    I’m so grateful & appreciative that you shared these ‘Wonders’ with the world…

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