The Key West/Boston Jazz Collective is Back!

The Key West/Boston Jazz Collective, the ten member musical collaboration between top local jazz musicians and all-star seasonal visitors, will present a concert at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, 800 Center Street, on Wednesday, January 14, at 8 o’clock. The Collective was formed a decade ago to play at the Tennessee Williams Theater, and has been reunited in concert several times since. Reviews of its concerts have been invariably enthusiastic.

The visiting players will be Jerry Seeco on trumpet and flute, Tim Mayer on tenor sax and flute, Stuart King on trumpet, and Joe Dallas, Sr., on trombone.

The local horn players in the group will be Les Dudley on tenor sax, Georges Hemund on baritone sax, and Harry Schroeder, trombone. The rhythm section will be Hal Howland on drums, Mike Emerson on guitar, and Joe Dallas, Jr. on bass. In a special feature, Seeco and Mayer, playing flutes, will be joined in arrangements for four flutes by Mark Rose and Celicia Slafter.

Tunes are from the Great American Songbook, many of them by Duke Ellington, and the arrangements, written especially for the Collective, are by Schroeder.

Tickets, at the door, will be $20. To those unfamiliar with St. Peter’s Church, Center Street is a short street running between and parallel to Duval and Simonton Streets, and the church is at its end, between Olivia and Petronia Streets. These directions are worth holding onto, since St. Peter’s has lately become a major musical venue in Key West.

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