letter to the editor

Thank You Citizen Review Board!

Thank you, Tom Milone, Joe Pais, Robert Cintron and the CRB for taking the action you did to involve the DOJ in the Charles Eimers case and the Matthew Murphy case!

Finally, these two families might get some justice in the deaths (might as well say Matthew is deceased, since he is described as being in a vegetative state, a place of no viable brain activity) of their loved ones. I know Tom has been trying to get the CRB to take action for a while now and I’m so glad it’s paid off for him, with the backing of Joe and Robert. These are good people and I know they won’t stop now that they’ve initiated the action. Even though I’ve been gone for five years, Key West will always be my home and I always want the best for the island and its people. I can’t wait to see what the DOJ will come up with in their probe of these two cases. Great work, everyone! You make one proud!

Peggy Butler
West Palm Beach, FL

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