January 18- February 4, 2018
Wednesday – Saturday 8:00 pm | Sunday Matinee 3:00 pm


Dear Blue Paper Patrons:

Within our midst is a thriving and homegrown theater company that has been serving South Florida for more than 45 years, with their magnificent performances and brilliantly directed theatrical productions.

The M Ensemble Theater Company is one of the oldest African-American theater companies’ in the United States. It may be the longest running company in the State of Florida.

On this MLK Celebration Day, please be apprised that the M Ensemble Theater Company has just received 7 “Carbonell Nominations”; 5 for their production of “Kings of Harlem”, 1 for “Brothers of the Dust” and 1 for “Flyin’ West”.

Their emphasis on developing and promoting local talent, in conjunction with their Children’s Theater, has provided opportunities for young actors, actresses and directors who once were without hope.

The skill sets acquired via one’s experiences with the M Ensemble has positively impacted lives and expanded many careers.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. lives and revels in the love and good fortune generated by this distinguished and ennobling theater company.

If you desire to attend the opening night performance, and you can make your way up to Key Largo, I will provide transportation for you to and from the show, as my guest.

Dinner, music and a cast party will follow the play. Please leave your contact information in the comment section. Thank you…

John Donnelly

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