letter to the editor

Big Pine Key Florida.circa……….2066


Dear Editor,

by John Gerace…….

An Excerpt from an upcoming true to life novel………

Oliver found himself riding on the 200 Mile per hour electro-magnetic monorail that went from Atlanta down to Key West……….
As the 200 m.p.h. train crossed the East coast of Big Pine he heard a voice come over the intercom…….
‘ Ladys and Gentlemen………out your right window is the Island of Big Pine’

Once upon a time it was home to the now extinct Key Deer… and yes there used to be Homes, family’s, Churches and shopping centers within.


Under Federal Mandates……….

The entire island is now absent of man…….. and is in control of various government agencies…… and is protected totally under the Natural Waste Land Act.

Please note the bridges out your window…. and realize they were once heavily traveled…… just half a century ago…… by vacation seekers.

They had proclaimed astute belief in their prophets Jimmy Buffett and Bob Marly………….. who’s music played continually 24 hours a day 7 days a week… pouring out of all restaurants and bars………up until the collapse that occured, As nearby Cubas economy blossomed.

Shortly after the election of the Presidential Elect Trumph……… and immigration rules were forced upon the labor pool from non compliance into full effect… the entire 150 mile Island chains , economy collapsed as everyone was shipped out.

Please enjoy your completely automated visit to to Key West today……… and thank your for riding Elec tro……… Rail.

Big Pine Key Florida…….. circa 2066

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