Key West Holiday Fest events and celebrations continued throughout the weekend at the Key West Historic Seaport and at historic inns and guesthouses around town. Presented in part by the Lodging Association of the Florida Keys and the Monroe Country Tourist Development Council, the island-wide celebration of the season continues through December 31.
Superwoman (Dinesti Golightly) gets a hug from Captain America (Levi, 4) during a photo op with Santa and Mrs. Claus in front of the lobster trap Christmas tree at the Historic Seaport Saturday evening. The unique maritime tree is one of several beautifully decorated trees along the pet-friendly “Walk of Lights,” which extends from Lazy Way Lane at the Green Street Plaza to the Ferry Terminal at Grinnell Street, and one of many Key West Holiday Fest attractions taking place through December 31.Holiday revelers enter the beautifully decorated grounds of the Mermaid & the Alligator Guesthouse Friday evening. The circa 1904 Victorian Home located at 729 Truman Avenue was one of five locations visited and explored during the December 18 Holiday Historic Inn Tour, presented by, Historic Tours of America, the Lodging Association of the Florida Keys & Key West and the Monroe County Tourist Development Council.(Left to right) Ina Masterson, Rachel Cobb, Jolene Zajicek, Bradi Parks and Becky Cobb, all of Key West, celebrate the season in front of the Christmas tree at the Mermaid & the Alligator Guesthouse Friday evening. The circa 1904 Victorian Home was one of five locations visited and explored by revelers during the December 18 Holiday Historic Inn Tour.Jimmy Olsen (left) and Kenne Tucker (right) enjoy the hospitality of The Gardens Hotel proprietor Kate Miano (center) on Friday evening. The original mansion at The Gardens Hotel was built in the 1800’s and was one of five locations visited and explored by revelers on the December 18 Holiday Historic Inn Tour.Rick and Christie Moore enjoy some holiday cheer in front of La Mer & Dewey House Friday evening, at the conclusion of the December 18 Holiday Historic Inn Tour.(Left to Right) Bob Harvey, Key West Mayor Craig Cates, Tom Stroh, John Readel, and Bill Murray enjoy the sleek elegance of Readel’s 1965 Chevrolet Corvette during the Holiday Classic Car Show presented by the Southernmost Car Club on Sunday. The “Bight Before Christmas” classic car cornucopia, held at the Historic Seaport as a toy-drive for children at the Monroe County Domestic Abuse Shelter is one of many events taking place during the city-wide Key West Holiday Fest, which runs through December 31 and is presented in part by the Lodging Association of the Florida Keys and the Monroe Country Tourist Development Council.A flamingly detailed 1934 Ford sits at the head of a line of spectacular classic cars at the Holiday Classic Car Show on Sunday. The “Bight Before Christmas” classic car cornucopia, presented by the Southernmost Car Club and held at the Historic Seaport as a toy-drive for children at the Monroe County Domestic Abuse Shelter is one of many events taking place during the city-wide Key West Holiday Fest.A 1978 Porsche 928 reflects palm trees and the Key West Bight “Harbor Walk of Lights” trap-float Christmas tree during the Holiday Classic Car Show on Sunday. Held at the Historic Seaport and presented by the Southernmost Car Club as a toy-drive for children at the Monroe County Domestic Abuse Shelter, the event is one of many taking place during the city-wide Key West Holiday Fest.