10 Year Sentence for Lewd Behavior and Battery by Adult on Minor

USDA photo by Ken Hammond
USDA photo by Ken Hammond

On Tuesday, March 17, in the Marathon Circuit Court, Defendant Angel Lopez-Santana entered a plea to 1 count of Lewd or Lascivious Battery on a Victim aged 12-16, a 2nd degree felony, 1 Count of Lewd or Lascivious Conduct by a person 18 years or older on a victim 16 years or younger, also a 2nd degree Felony, and 1 count of Sheltering an Unmarried Minor Runaway, a 1st degree misdemeanor.  The above incidents occurred between March 19th and March 26th 2012.  The defendant was sentenced to 10 years Florida State Prison to be followed by 10 years of Sex Offender Probation by Judge Ruth Becker.  The plea spared the now 16 year old child victim from having to testify.  The plea agreement and sentence were approved by her family.  After serving his prison sentence, Angel Lopez-Santana will have to be evaluated pursuant to the Jimmy Ryce Act to determine whether he meets the criteria of the Sexually Violent Predator Act before he can be released to complete his probationary sentence. The case was prosecuted by Assistant State Attorney Tanner Demmery.

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